A Bit About Jerob's Place
Sixteen years ago, after traveling to multiple countries doing relief and development work, Happy Pappy and Gigi found themselves at a crossroads. There was an opportunity put before them to minister to orphans here locally by expanding their family through adoption. The community of Lindale, and the very generous members of their Sunday school, joined the vision and helped build Jerob’s Place. The tree filled, five-acre lot, located at the private end of a cul-de-sac, gave a feeling of safety and solace. The large rooms and secret spaces were planned with children in mind. The family grew from three to eight children in a short four years! This was a season of organized chaos. But the home was a perfect setting for the growing active family. Years later, the birth of their tenth child, Jerob, quickly turned from joy to trauma when he was four days old and rushed to Children’s Hospital by life flight. For days his life was in question. Even after the return home with diagnosed blindness resulting from his near-death experience, doctors had no official diagnosis for the cause. Years of repeated hospital visits followed. Because of his disabilities that would limit him from experiencing so much of the world, it was decided that life should be brought to Jerob. A very generous donation was provided to add the various amenities that led to the creation of Jerob’s Place. With sweat equity, and friends helping, the playground was built, sidewalks were laid for his wheelchair, and the swim spa installed for year-round therapy to fight CP.
Fast forward six years and two of the ten kids are married, three are off in schools and work living a semi-independent life, and Jerob is a walking talking miracle with a diagnosis that he helped found. Most importantly, his health is finally stable. With the change in family needs and Jerob’s growth, Jerob’s Place, and all its special accommodations, can now be shared with others. Come experience the magic this getaway can bring and REDISCOVER FAMILY.
Family reunions, special occasions, graduation parties, family groups, and celebration of holidays are all made all the more special at JEROB’S PLACE.
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